So, I've been keeping an eye out at the Relocation Zone for about a day now. Nothing much happening.
Refugees come into the camps, get sprayed, get shuttled into the tent, and come out in jumpsuits.
Like I said yesterday. Sometimes, one or two people'll be missing. I've been keeping track of the kind of people that go missing, and they're never kids or older people. It's almost always younger or middle aged folks. No clue why.
Some shady shit going on over there. Then again, I guess that was kind of obvious.
The guards are shockingly lax, though.
I've been watching the nearest camp to me for a while now. It's out where a golf-course used to be. If you squint at it real hard, you can almost see where the driving range used to be. Now, it's just line after line of white tents and barbed wire. Crazy how things can change so quickly.
Oh, right.
So, the guards don't seem to give two shits. Like, at all. I watched them just stand around while the refugees just did their own thing. Hell, the guards even gave some of the kids candy and gave a few parents some cigarettes. It's nice how, when everything is so shitty, a little basic humanity can come through. The nice ones are almost disgustingly nice.
The mean ones are the opposite.
I've seen plenty of beatings in the last few hours. Guys and gals in fatigues with stun batons and rubber bullets, taking out their issues on whatever poor bastard bumps into them. I'm sure they're making sure that doesn't get on the evening news. Not like anyone really cares, though.
Been trying to get a good look into the Zone itself, too. I deliberately took a second floor hotel room, just so I could try and get up on the roof and peek over the wall. Can't see much. Just a lot of destroyed buildings now. Back when the army first pulled out and built the wall, they started bombing the ever-loving hell out of the interior. Can't tell if it's still that bad or not.
I mean, I've seen some weird shit in the last hour or so, but nothing like back when the Zone first started.
First one was something like a man. Real tall. I mean, like, he had to be twenty feet. Except it was all in the legs and arms. They were stretched out like taffy, extending down to the ground. Pure black too, with these beady little white eyes on the head. Creepy. Gut creepy.
Second one was really odd. It was a house. Walking.
I know what you're thinking.
"Gittes, that's dumb. Houses can't walk."
No, really. It was. On pipes and metal rebar, like spider legs. Just a quaint little one-story suburban home going for a stroll like it ain't no thang.
I don't know what the fuck's going on behind that wall, but I really don't want to see it personally.