I know I've waited some time to put something out there again. It's been a less than fruitful couple of days. I've been doing more digging around town to get more information on this thing, and the town itself.
Redwood Falls proper, the actual town-town type area, is actually kind of nice. Quaint little main street with people walking around, mom and pop stores and such. All very kosher. That said, after everything that's happened, I can't help but be a little unnerved at it all. For a town with a supposed monster running around, everyone seems really at ease. Like this is just normal for them.
I mean, I get that everyone deals with the paranormal in their own way, but a whole town just being cool with Antlers-guy bumming around?
There's still a bit of snowfall coming down from the mountains, so it's pretty cold overall. Got the idea to check out one of the local bars. You'd be surprised how much liquor loosens people's lips.
Bar was about what I expected. Kind of dingy. Pool-tables and oak stools around a small bar counter. Waitress named Deanna. Kinda butch, tank-top and a bandanna over short hair. Not really my type. I asked her if she knew any old-timers I could talk to. She just sighed and pointed to this old-dude in the back of the bar, nursing a glass of whiskey.
The guy's name was Roger Cole.
He wasn't really receptive at first, but when I told him I wasn't a reporter, he seemed to cave a bit. I asked him what he knew about the town, about Antlers. He froze up when I brought up the monster. Said it'd been around for a long, long time. Before the towns and the cities. He said that it had "a sway over folks" and that "there were other ones too". I asked him what he meant. Cole said that the thing was like an errand boy. I didn't get a chance to ask him anything else, because this big, beefy looking dude in a ten-gallon hat swept in and took me aside. Big bushy beard, looked like Charles Bronson.
The Sheriff, apparently. He told me that Cole was crazy, and that I was wasting my time. I told him that the only people that say stuff like that usually have something to hide. He gave me a dirty look, and politely suggested I leave. I happily obliged.
Been mostly walking around town, since renting a car is expensive and the budget of a freelancer is a tight one. Starting to think I shouldn't be. While I was walking home, I caught a glimpse of a bunch of school-kids, just staring at me from the other side of the road.
I swear to god, not a single one of them blinked. Not once.
Been keeping my gun on me ever since.
I know it won't help if something comes for me, but it makes me feel better.
Not by much, though.